Maersk Schedules: Maersk Vessel Sailing Schedules - Buyco
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Maersk Schedules:
Maersk Vessel Sailing Schedules

How to Find Maersk Vessel
Schedules & Routes

The Maersk Vessel Schedule tool on its website lists shipping schedules for all vessels, lines and locations. These schedules are sourced directly from Maersk and regularly updated.

However, as you might imagine, the search results are limited to Maersk vessels. There may be many more vessels plying the route you’re looking at. If you want to see all of these vessel schedules, you should use a Vessel Schedule Search Tool like BuyCo.

BuyCo shows shipping schedules from 95% of all ocean carriers on a single interface. This is especially useful for large-volume shippers. It makes the search process more efficient and helps you find the best route across carriers. Further, it takes additional factors like carbon emissions, pre-negotiated rates and allocations into account.

Learn more about how BuyCo and the Vessel Schedule Search Tool give you more visibility and control over your shipping operations

About Maersk Vessels, Schedules,
Routes & Shipping Lines

Maersk is the largest container shipping company in the world and the most well-known. The company was founded back in 1904 and is headquartered in Denmark with offices and subsidiaries in 130 other countries. Maersk serves small and large businesses with vessels plying frequently from over 300 ports along all major trade lanes.

Each year, Maersk moves 12 million containers on a fleet of around 740 ships. In early 2021, it held 17% of the worldwide TEU. In terms of reliability, Maersk is one of the best shipping partners a business could have.

If Maersk is your chosen shipping partner, you can find the available schedules between ports here:

How to Find the Best Maersk Schedules Based on Your Goals

The Maersk schedule search is much more comprehensive as compared to the search options offered by many other shipping companies. Along with the departure and arrival ports and preferred dates, you can also consider the container type. You can also optionally enter your preferred vessel flag.

However, it still may not be enough to find ships that match all your organizational goals. When you use a centralized Vessel Search Tool, you’ll realize how adding a few more search criteria brings you closer to meeting your goals:

CO2: Find Maersk schedules with the lowest CO2 emissions

Minimizing the organization’s carbon footprint is a growing concern for many businesses. Firstly, this helps build an ecological brand image, Secondly, given the EU’s policy on taxing imports at rates proportional to their emissions, lowering the carbon footprint lowers costs.

The Maersk website shows you the route and number of transit days but you cannot filter the search to find only those ships following a direct route. Also, it does not have a way for you to compare emissions by the different ships plying a route.

On the other hand, BuyCo’s Vessel Search Tool is integrated with Searoutes. It leverages datasets and modern algorithms to get a clearer picture of CO2 emissions by different vessels and routes. Also, given that it was co-funded by the EU, it prioritizes low emissions in your search and allows you to filter your search to find ships plying direct routes.

Cost: Find the most cost-effective Maersk schedules

Optimizing costs is important for all organizations irrespective of their industry. For this reason, most businesses have shipping contracts with pre-negotiated rates.

The Maersk schedule search tool does not consider these pre-negotiated rates when listing search results. You need to get quotes for each route and then manually compare them with your pre-negotiated rates. It’s a slow, time-consuming process. What’s more, the search is limited to Maersk schedules.

BuyCo simplifies the process. Firstly, it lists schedules by 95% of all ocean carriers, not just Maersk. Secondly, it offers more clarity on your transportation costs. This way, BuyCo helps you find the option with the most affordable rates every time. 

Arrival Date: Find the fastest Maersk schedules

To be successful in the current environment, you need to excel at customer service. This means that if you have promised delivery by a certain date, you must make sure your customer gets his/her order by then. Fast and reliable service keeps customers loyal to your brand and builds a good reputation.

The Maersk schedule does give you the option of choosing an arrival date and lists schedules accordingly. But, these are estimated arrival dates and as you know, shipments are often delayed.

When you use the BuyCo Vessel Search, you’re not relying only on estimated schedules. BuyCo uses advanced AI technology to analyze how often each shipping line is on-time and delayed. This gives you a better estimate of the ship’s reliability and probability of late deliveries. In turn, the information helps you avoid exceptions before they occur and get your cargo delivered on time.

Allocations: Find Maersk schedules according to your allocations

Allocations are another important consideration for cost optimization. Ideally, you should book vessels such that will help you use 100% of your allocations without surpassing others. The Maersk website search tool does not factor this in. You will have to manually calculate your allocation usage when picking a vessel.

On the other hand, BuyCo does track and optimize allocations while you’re searching for cargo transportation. It makes the percentage of allocations used as well as what is remaining visible and shows you the best carrier vessels based on these allocations.

Multi-criteria: Find the Best Routes with BuyCo Schedule Search Tool Algorithm

Every vessel schedule search is different. Along with giving you the option of factoring in all the above criteria, BuyCo also allows you to prioritize the criteria according to your needs at the time. For one search, costs may take the highest priority while for another, CO2 emissions may be more important. Thus, you can choose the best option in accordance with your goals for every trip.

Simplifying shipment planning improves productivity and brings you closer to meeting your organizational goals.

If you want to find the best routes to meet your organizational goals, discover BuyCo’s Schedule Search Tool for yourself: